India from the Tree tops at fullmoon rise.

October 16, 2016 · India

A Garden Party at the Tree Tops

My arrival timing to India was not as I had hoped, the moonrise and sunset I planned to see from the plane, were circumvented by the planes untimely early arrival. I even had had a sympathetic Sri Lankan businessman give up his window seat, to give me a clear view, but all was for naught.

This early arrival left me ensconced in encounters with Customs, detained baggage and not with a free view from the air, and not engaged in the high altitude photography I had desired.

Upon arrival to my accommodation, I pondered the possibility of getting a second chance, but at a sunrise and sunset at morning’s light. Tree Tops, the place I will stay for a fortnight and a week, has a terrace; would I be able to espy the movement of heavenly bodies, through the tree tops? What else might I see on the early light of my first Indian morn?

I was not disappointed, the red moon set and a red sun rose (I was not able to capture the redness the sun’s rise with my cameras, I must learn more), as I negotiated around the tree tops to see them, and other objects of movement with the sky, birds and planes, which were illuminated as the reddened moon took to rest and the rising Sun took to wake. It was a wonderful garden party of Sun, moon, plane and birds, on a rooftop terrace of flowers.

A side note with this being the week set aside to celebrate an Italians ship’s captain failed trip around the globe, by only going ¼ of the distance, and misnaming peoples of two continents and many an Island, I was happy to have travelled, in the year 1 and ¾ times, continuing my learning of what exist and not claiming discovery, of that which I did not know.

Krista MacKinnon enjoy another mooning from me. MarieFelicia-Ramalingam Kutti Ramalingam feel free to join me in the garden or anywhere else in India, I look forward to it, with Tannie Baig

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